I love when my path to crosses with smart and savvy parents who have educated themselves on the importance of safe products for babies and children. Such interactions are far more frequent now than a few years ago and I am encouraged by the shift, as I see it as an indication that our culture is ... View Post
I am often asked to share the details of how I transitioned from a social worker mom to the founder of a (toxin-free) children's haircare line. Though I have told my story countless times, I often skim over some of the important facts in an attempt to avoid boring my audience. Last week, I had ... View Post
Does the apple ever fall too far from the tree? We are joining forces with our friends at 18.21 Manmade in search of the world's most stylish father and son duos! Think your guys have what it takes? Follow these simple steps to be considered: 1. Follow Hot Tot (HotTotHaircare) and 18.21 Manm... View Post