We love seeing our products in action and are seeking a few stylish brand ambassadors to show what our products can do! Think your Hot Tot has what it takes!?! Follow these simple steps to be considered:
1. Follow us on Instagram: HotTotHaircare
2. Take a stylish shot of your kiddo and hashtag it with #Me4HotTot
3. Be sure to include your child's name and age. Entries should be received by 3/15
Winners will be selected in a various age categories (0-2, 3-6, 7 and up) and will be supplied with plenty of product to create lots of looks. At the end of the year, we will ask our social media supporters to vote for their favorite Hot Tot Brand Ambassador and the winner will win a gift pack along with a $1,000 donation in their honor to a charity of their choice. Good luck!